Welcome to the Brazilian Women’s Group blog
The Brazilian Women’s Group is opening a blog. This is a space where we all can freely discuss matters that are of interest to our community. The Brazilian Women’s Group will place comments here regularly. Please, feel free to jump in. This should be a rich, live conversation.
Write in the language of your preference.
Bem vindos ao blog do Grupo Mulher Brasileira
O Grupo Mulher Brasileira está abrindo um blog. Este é um espaço onde nós podemos discutir livremente assuntos de interesse da nossa comunidade. O Grupo Mulher Brasileira fará, regularmente, comentários. Por favor, fique a vontade para entrar na conversa. Esta conversa deve ser enriquecedora e via. Escreva na língua que preferir
Partilhe sua opinião conosco.
Que legal!!
Parabens Brazilian Women's Group!
Vamos comentar pessoal
"a festa foi uma maravilha! Eu e a Alda gostasmos muito e as mocas de New Bedford ficaram satisfeitissimas. Podem nos chamar paa otura igual"
"Meninos e Meninas", nota mil para voces. Nao vou dar a minha opiniao sobre o evento porque sou suspeita. Dai vou falar da minha irma Solange, que participou pela primeira vez e ficou maravilhada. Foi super divertido, porque quando estavamos indo para o Cambridge, dentro do carro, ela estava conversando um tanto de abobrinha, falando que 20 dolares era muito caro, que ia reclamar com a Heloisa, isto e aquilo. Quase que parei o carro e deixei-a em frente ao Corpo de Bombeiros na Camibridge Street , visto que nao achava uma delegacia de policia por perto (brincadeirinha, viu?). Depois do fato consumado, a morena ficou pasmada, com a beleza do local, a organizacao, a variedade, a mistura de racas, enfim toda a elegancia do evento.
O Alan tambem deu nota mil, principalmente pelo fato de tudo ser exposto em ingles e portugues e pela riqueza e diversidade dos temas em tao pouco tempo; ele se sentiu em casa. Disse que ja pode confirmar a presenca dele no aniversario de 13 anos do grupo. Parabens.
Beijos, Jackie
O evento foi realmente um sucesso. Mesmo com tantos eventos acontencendo ao mesmo tempo, nada ofuscou o objetivo do Grupo, pq a união e o reconhecimento de muitos da comunidade fez a diferença.
Parabens GRUPO MULHER BRASILEIRA, parabens LARA,parabens Rafaela, muito bom
saber que temos em voces duas nossas portavozes, beijo no coracao, juro,
estou emocionado. ( Jorge Costa) Ass. Amigos Petistas
All I want now is JUSTICE
I’m a father of a boy who was kidnapped from Brazil , to U.S in May, by his mother.
At the time,1994, his physical custody belonged to me, he was 9, So, from 1994 until 2002, I didn’t know anything about him, nobody from her family didn’t want to tell me, where was my son. I did all my best to find him, unfortunately I didn’t find.
I made a lot of reports to :
Polícia Federal (Brazil),U.S border Patrol, U.S Border Control,
some U.S Congressman, some Brazilian congress man, American Embassy in Brazil, Consular Agency in ,Brazilian Interpol.
Now he’s 23 , fortunately I found out by internet that he’s living in Miami.
I’ve been trying to establish a contact by email, but he just answer few emails, probably he got a brainwashed against me.
I don’t hear his voice, I don’t see him since may 1994,
I figure out that I lost my son. Now I want to fight for Justice
> It seems to me that U.S immigration employees are not achieving
> their mission, maybe some are connected to immigration fraud.
> I was told that 4000 illegal immigrants arrive everyday in U.S, it puts a tremendous burden on your society in many ways, and I believe that U.S
> immigration law are outmoded and ineffective,
Pushing many Brazilians to cross the U.S Border to get Jobs, welfare payments, and food stamps, arranged fraudulent marriages to earn immigrants citizenship.
While I was investigating about my ex wife, trying to find any news from my son, I found out a lot of important things.
She Arranged a fraudulent marriage with a US citizen called:
…………………………….., they never lived in the same house, probably now they have divorced, I mean a fake divorce,
She Remarriage for immigration purpose in U.S
We are still married here in Brazil, so we are not divorced yet, it means that she can’t remarry. I’m talking about documents, I don’t care about her life.
it means document fraud and Bigamy
Did you understand ?
At the time 1994, She was A non custodial Parent, I won my son’s physical custody in 1993., It’s too late now.
I didn’t want to separate him from his mother, so I let him to live with his mother, and she disappeared with him.
all I wanted was to establish a communication with him, or any kind of communication, I don’t have any news from him since the abduction time,( may 1994), it’s not fair what his mother did to me.
Her whole family ( sisters, brothers, mother and father are moving to US )
I don’t know how they got a Visa to enter in US , if they lived in a poverty way in Brazil, most of them didn’t work. Even their neighbors are moving to US
Her Parents :, both don’t work and live in a poor neighborhood, How come ,they got Visa ?.
Aprendi muito
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