Thursday, August 7, 2008

Law Enforcement Operation in MA

The Brazilian Women’s Group is informed that ICE launched a law enforcement operation in Massachusetts, targeting individuals with outstanding warrants and those who have had prior encounters with law enforcement. People are being picked up at home and at work, all over the state. Reports are that about 80 people were arrested already in Somerville, Everett and Lowell. The operation is expected to last three to four days and, according to MIRA, includes people who have “criminal convictions, (including misdemeanors) who have a range of immigration statuses (including green card holders)”.

The Brazilian Women’s Group urge people to stay calm but aware of their rights during such operations. Access our website for information in Portuguese on “Know your Rights” and “Protect yourself from immigration raids”. You also can watch a video about what to do if immigration officers come to your house or work place. Remember: You have the right to a lawyer and you have the right to call the Brazilian Consulate.

Please, call us at 617-787-0557 ext. 15 or email us at if you know of an ICE raid in your neighborhood. Also, if you know of anyone who has been detained, please call us with their name, date of birth, where the person is being held, and their A # (Alien registration number).

O Grupo Mulher Brasileira tem informações de que a imigração desencadeou uma operação em Massachusetts, buscando indivíduos com mandado de prisão ou deportação e aqueles com passagem pela justiça. As pessoas estão sendo detidas em casa ou no local de trabalho, em todo o estado. As notícias chegadas dão conta de que cerca de 80 pessoas já foram presas em Somerville, Everett e Lowell. Nós ainda não sabemos quem são estas pessoas e de que nacionalidade. A operação deve durar de três a quatro dias e, de acordo com MIRA, inclui pessoas condenadas criminalmente (inclusive por delitos) e com variados estatus imigratório, mesmo pessoas portadoras de green card.

O Grupo Mulher Brasileira pede a comunidade que se mantenha calma mas consciente dos seus direitos durante tais operações. Acesse nosso website para ler informação em português sobre “Saiba seus Direitos” e “Proteja-se contra as batidas da imigração”. Vocês também podem ver um vídeo sobre o que fazer se a imigração bater na sua casa ou no seu trabalho. Lembre-se: Você tem o direito a um(a) advogado(a) e de telefonar para o Consulado do Brasil.

Por favor, telefone para 617-787-0557 ramal 15 ou mande email para se souber de uma batida da imigração no seu bairro ou na sua cidade. E, se souber de alguém que foi detido(a), por favor, nos telefone com o nome, a data de nascimento, onde a pessoa está presa e o número A (Alien registration number).


Anonymous said...

I am impressed by the work the Brazilian Women's Group is doing. Thank GOD for that organization and for the help it gives to the Community.
I hope this situation end soon and with good results for those who unfortunately, live illegally in the Country. Something has to be done to help them.
Good job!

Iamaccfile said...

Thank God for ICE and going after Illegal Brazilians to protect those legal Brazilians from being taken advantaged of by those Illegal crooks.

Joe Rizoli

Anonymous said...

They should all be deported!
That would solve a lot of peoples problems.


Anonymous said...

I am very pleased to see ICE at work utilizing my hard-earned tax dollars appropriately. Part of what makes this country Great is that it is a land rooted and founded on the law. If you break the LAW and come here ILLEGALLY and then once here you break more laws. I have NO compassion for you, and you must face the consequences of your actions. You knew you were breaking U.S. laws when you choose to hire someone to help smuggle you into this country.

ICE was created for a reason and has a specific purpose, which is to uphold the laws of this nation against UNLAWFUL entry. If you broke our laws you must be held accountable, just as I would if I broke into your country. It's not unfortunate that these people live here... it is a personal choice that they made, and it's time to accept the consequences.
